Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Criticism and Art : Tome I: The Germanophone World. (engelsk)

Jon Stewart

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The figure of paradox in the work of Robert Walser (engelsk)

Agnes Cardinal

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Scripture in transition : essays on Septuagint, Hebrew Bible, and Dead Sea scrolls in honour of Raija Sollamo (engelsk)

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Die Septuaginta - Texte, Kontexte, Lebenswelten : internationale Fachtagung, veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal, 20. - 23. Juli 2006 (Flere sprog)

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Later essays : Under the sign of Saturn ; Aids and its metaphors ; Where the stress falls ; Regarding the pain of others ; At the same time: essays and speeches (engelsk)

Susan Sontag (1933-2004)

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Spøgelser : genfærdet som kulturel og æstetisk figur (Flere sprog)

Steen Christiansen (f. 1974)

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Literarische Glokalisierung : Glocalisation littéraire//Literary Glocalization (Flere sprog)

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Sadness and melancholy in German-language literature and culture (engelsk)

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  2. E-materiale

Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus, Stuttgart (Flere sprog)

Manfred Sack

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In the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes : studies in the Biblical text in honour of Anneli Aejmelaeus (Flere sprog)

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