Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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A day in the life af Salman Rushdie

  1. Artikel

A novel visible but unseen : a thematic analysis of Salman Rushdie's The satanic verses (engelsk)

Hans Seminck

  1. Bog

A satanic affair : Salman Rushdie and the rage of Islam (engelsk)

Malise Ruthven

  1. Bog

A World Visible but Unseen. On the Relationship between the Islamic World and the Western World Illustrated through Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses" (Engelsk)

Maiken Waldorff

  1. Bog

Advarsel til Vesten

Mette Vibe Utzon

  1. Film

Afmagtens autocafé (dansk)

Hanna Ziadeh

I: Politiken, 1999-02-14
  1. Artikel
  2. E-materiale

After Empire : Scott, Naipaul, Rushdie (engelsk)

Michael Gorra (1957-)

  1. Bog

Allegories of telling : self-referential narrative in contemporary British fiction (engelsk)

Lynn Wells

  1. Bog

An attempt to understand the Muslim reaction to the Satanic verses (Engelsk)

Victoria La'Porte

  1. Bog

An introduction to contemporary fiction : international writing in English since 1970 (engelsk)

  1. Bog