Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Propagation of the Gospel in the East. Tillæg. Several letters relating to the ... Danish mission at Tranquebar in the East-Indies (engelsk)

  1. Bog

Rear Admiral Sir John Franklin : A Narrative of the Circumstances and Causes Which Led to the Failure of the Searching Expeditions Sent by Government and Others for the Rescue of Sir John Franklin (engelsk)

John Ross

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  2. E-materiale

For sent! eller Gud fuldbyrder sine Trusler. Tale holdt i Paris den 15. Januar 1854. Overs. fra det Franske (norsk)

Adolf Monod

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Descriptive catalogue of a collection of the economic minerals of Canada and of its crystalline rocks : Sent to the London International Exhibition for 1862 (engelsk)

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A plea for a Church of England Missionary Brotherhood, to be sent to India, Central Africa and Syria (Engelsk)

John Muehleisen Arnold

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Palmeblade, 1 : Kom ej for sent med det sidste Tog (dansk)

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International fisheries exhibition London 1883 : specification of Greenland boats, fishing utensils etc. sent by the Danish government trading department for Greenland at Copenhagen (engelsk)

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Samling af ekskluderede pamfletter. Monsieur et Cousin, vous avez bonne grace d'estimer que je vous puisse apprendre des nouvelles du monde, etc. (Flere sprog)

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Samling af ekskluderede pamfletter. The Lord Bolingbroke's representation fully consider'd and refuted (Flere sprog)

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Samling af ekskluderede pamfletter. Notes and memorandums of the six days, preceeding the death of a late Right Reverend - (Flere sprog)

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