Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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To redeem the soul of America : the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Martin Luther King. Jr. (engelsk)

Adam Fairclough

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Slavery and the making of America (engelsk)

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Martin Luther King (engelsk)

Harry Harmer

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Martin Luther King : apostle of militant nonviolence (engelsk)

James A. Colaiaco

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The Civil Rights Movement (engelsk)

Bruce J. Dierenfield

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Hands on the Freedom Plow : personal accounts by women in SNCC (Engelsk)

Faith S. Holsaert

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Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement (engelsk)

Danny Lyon

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I may not get there with you : the true Martin Luther King, Jr. (engelsk)

Michael Eric Dyson

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Martin Luther King (tysk)

Rolf Italiaander

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Civil rights rhetoric and the American presidency (engelsk)

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