Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Pilot projects for sustainable architecture : circulation of materials, cooperation, space for nature and the holistic city (engelsk)

Martin Møller Vilhelmsen

  1. Bog

Sustainable Architecture : Between Measurement and Meaning (engelsk)

  1. Bog

Reset materials - Towards sustainable architecture

Copenhagen Ceontemporary

  1. Blandede materialetyper

Sustainable construction : green building design and delivery (engelsk)

Charles J. Kibert

  1. Bog

Sustainable architecture (engelsk)


  1. Bog

The Sustainable City : London's greenest architecture (engelsk)

  1. Bog

Sustainable cities : big data, artificial intelligence and the rise of green, "Cy-phy" cities (engelsk)

Claudio Scardovi

  1. Bog
  2. E-materiale

Architecture’s Road to Sustainable Innovation (engelsk)

  1. Artikel
  2. E-materiale

Elements of Sustainable Architecture (engelsk)

  1. Bog

Intelligent Sustainable Systems : Selected Papers of WorldS4 2021, Volume 2 (engelsk)

Atulya K. Nagar

  1. Bog
  2. E-materiale