Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Systems ultra : making sense of technology in a complex world (engelsk)

Georgina Voss

  1. Bog

Information design unbound : key concepts and skills for making sense in a changing world (engelsk)

Sheila Pontis

  1. Bog

Stop making sense

Talking Heads

  1. Film
  2. E-materiale

Approaches to Ancient Etruria (Flere sprog)

  1. Bog

In a search for deeper meanings : navigating the circle of sense and nonsense and in turn articulating logical varieties as knowledge illuminators (engelsk)

  1. Artikel



  1. Musik
  2. E-materiale

Stop making sense

Talking Heads

  1. Musik

I keep forgetting my feet on the fragile plane

Allegra Krieger

  1. Musik

Memories of Africa : home and abroad in the United States (engelsk)

Toyin Falola

  1. Bog

Global child : children and families affected by war, displacement and migration (engelsk)

  1. Bog