Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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They made the movies : conversations with great filmmakers (engelsk)

  1. Bog

Min filmaffære : erindringer (dansk)

John Irving

  1. Bog
  2. Lydbog
  3. E-materiale

James Friedrich and Cathedral films : the independent religious cinema of the evangelist of Hollywood, 1939-1966 (Engelsk)

Kenneth Suit

  1. Bog

In secrecy's shadow : the OSS and CIA in Hollywood cinema 1941-1979 (Engelsk)

Simon Willmetts

  1. Bog

Judas Iscariot - damned or redeemed : a critical examination of the portrayal of Judas in Jesus films (1902-2014) (engelsk)

Carol Anne Hebron

  1. Bog

Irving-reglementet (dansk)

  1. Artikel

Die Konstruktion und Demontage des amerikanischen Helden : männlichkeitsentwürfe in Westernliteratur und -film (Tysk)

Katrin Berkenkamp

  1. Bog

Philosophy and the novel (engelsk)

Alan H. Goldman (1945-)

  1. Bog

John Irving

  1. Artikel
  2. E-materiale

Gunfight at the eco-corral : western cinema and the environment (Engelsk)

Robin L. Murray

  1. Bog