Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Science fiction cinema : from outerspace to cyperspace (Engelsk)

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Lyssværd (dansk)

Kevin J. Anderson

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The phantom menace (engelsk)

Patricia C. Wrede

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Star Wars : verily, a new hope (engelsk)

Ian Doescher

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In the Shadow of Yavin (engelsk)

Brian Wood

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Star wars - et nyt håb (dansk)

Alessandro Ferrari

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Star Wars: Alphabet squadron (engelsk)

Alexander Freed

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A shield in space? : technology, politics, and the strategic defense initiative : how the Reagan Administration set out to make nuclear weapons "impotent and obsolete" and succumbed to the fallacy of the last move (engelsk)

Sanford A. Lakoff

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The phantom of menace : Star wars parth the first (engelsk)

Ian Doescher

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Film als Baustelle : das Kino und seine Paratexte (Flere sprog)

Andrzej Gwózdz

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