Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The end is simply the beginning of an even longer story : mess and complexity in Zadie Smith's White Teeth (engelsk)

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Collected plays. Bind 1. Juno and the paycock. The shadow of a gunman. The plough and the stars. The end of the beginning. A pound on demand (engelsk)

Sean O'Casey

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Collected plays. Volume 1 (engelsk)

Sean O'Casey

  1. Bog

Report and recommendations (Engelsk)

  1. Bog

Sociétés humaines et changement climatique à la fin du troisième millénaire : une crise a-t-elle eu lieu en haute Mésopotamie? : actes du colloque de Lyon, 5-8 décembre 2005 (Flere sprog)

  1. Bog

The end of the beginning of Eastern enlargement : Luxembourg summit and agenda-setting (engelsk)

Lykke Friis

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Predicting the past

David Olney

  1. Musik

Stunde null : the end and the beginning fifty years ago (engelsk)

Geoffrey J. Giles

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Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra with Frank Sinatra

Tommy Dorsey

  1. Musik

Amenemhat IV and the end of the Twelfth Dynasty : between the end and the beginning (engelsk)

Stefania Pignattari

  1. Bog