Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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A Mindfulness Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : New Directions in Research and Practice (engelsk)

Yoon-Suk Hwang

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A Mindfulness Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : New Directions in Research and Practice (Engelsk)

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APA handbook of neuropsychology. Bind 1 (engelsk)

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APA handbook of neuropsychology. Bind 2 (engelsk)

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Autism spectrum disorders (Engelsk)

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Denrummelige skole for alle : - en undersøgelse af folkeskolens egenskab som udviklingsrum for børn med ASF (Autisme spektrum forstyrrelser) med barnets perspektiv i fokus = The inclusive school for all children - a research of the quality of the public school as a room of development for children with ASD (Autism spectrum disorders) with the child's perspecitve in focus (dansk)

Gitte Andersen

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Emotion regulation and psychopathology in children and adolescents (Engelsk)

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Forgotten minorities in organizations (engelsk)

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Handbook of Play Therapy (Engelsk)

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Neurocognitive approaches to developmental disorders : a festschrift for Uta Frith (engelsk)

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