v. 7, 1972-1973 - Understanding Wittgenstein
Del 13 - Idealism - past and present
Del 14 - Marx and Marxisms
G. H. R. Parkinson
Del 15 - Of liberty : supplement to: Philosophy, 1983
Del 16 - Philosophy and literature
Del 17 - Objectivity and cultural divergence
S. C. Brown
Del 18 - Philosophy and practice
Del 19 - American philosophy
Del 20 - Philosophers ancient and modern
Del 21 - Contemporary French philosophy
Del 22 - Moral philosophy and contemporary problems
J. D. G. Evans
Del 23 - Philosophy and medical welfare
J. M. Bell
Del 24 - Key themes in philosophy
Del 25 - The philosophy in Christianity
Del 26 - Philosophy and politics
G. M. K. Hunt
Del 27 - Explanation and its limits
Del 28 - Wittgenstein centenary essays
Del 29 - Human beings
Del 30 - A.J. Ayer memorial essays
Del 33 - The impulse to philosophise