Musik / electronica


Anmeldelser (3)





Timothy Monger


"Cross-genre collaboration projects such as this are usually a mixed bag of results and Sisyphus is no different. On their own merit, each of these artists have made memorable and original music with Stevens perhaps adding the most bona fide indie star power of the bunch. It is also Stevens whose contributions sit most jarringly in Sisyphus' eccentric mix ... There are certainly fun, playful moments, often thanks to Serengeti's wry, conversational style like on "Lion's Share," which sounds like three friends having fun in a studio and in the end, that's probably what this album is all about. Taken as a musical statement, Sisyphus works fairly well at times, but it's the kind of collaboration no one asked for and much like their mythological Greek king namesake, getting all three artists' styles to gel is a bit like pushing a boulder eternally up a hill".

Gaffa [online]

d. 17. mar. 2014



Rune Schlosser

d. 17. mar. 2014

"Sisyphus er et spændende genreclash, der er mange lyt værd, og som bliver med at have nye uopdagede elementer. Indimellem bliver fragmenterne dog også til den mere uigennemskuelige side, og det kan til tider være meget svært at gennemskue, om stenen egentlig ruller op eller ned på disse tre s'ers bjerg".


d. 17. mar. 2014



Dylan Kilby

d. 17. mar. 2014

"Sisyphus is a supergroup whose musically disparate members include hip-hop artist Serengeti, multi-genre spanning musician Son Lux, and insane baroque popper/art rocker Sufjan Stevens ... With its flashy cover and topical self-aggrandizement, it is easy to dismiss Sisyphus as another passing supergroup project. That could not be more incorrect of a first impression. Sisyphus is a fully fleshed out and conceptually realized piece that describes the tumultuous, painful maturation of the successful musician in the contemporary world where everyone clamours for the spotlight through debauchery".