Musik / rock

The getaway

Anmeldelser (3)

The independent

d. 15. juni 2016



Andy Gill

d. 15. juni 2016

"After 25 years, the Chili Peppers chose to record with a producer other than Rick Rubin; but in Danger Mouse, they chose wisely. He imposed the same method that proved so successful with The Black Keys, co-writing new material and bringing a keen pop sensibility to the arrangements - damped guitar picking and mouthed hi-hats for the title-track; crisp synthesiser sci-fi funk".


d. 20. maj 2016



Zoe Camp

d. 20. maj 2016

"The Red Hot Chili Peppers' eleventh album is their first since 1989's Mothers' Milk without Rick Rubin behind the boards, opting instead for Danger Mouse and Nigel Godrich".

Berlingske tidende

d. 18. juni 2016



Michael Charles Gaunt

d. 18. juni 2016

"Red Hot Chili Peppers ryster funk-posen med kyndig assistance fra Danger Mouse på deres veloplagte 11. album".