Musik / violinkoncerter

Violin concerto

Anmeldelser (93)

The guardian

d. 2. nov. 2017



Erica Jeal

d. 2. nov. 2017

"His playing may be understated, but it is as secure and eloquent in the tricksy Kreisler cadenzas as it is in the unadorned melodies of the slow movement, and every note has something to sing about ... Manze draws out a fine Beethoven sound from the modern instruments of the Royal Liverpool Phil, strong yet transparent, and they play their socks off in support".





James Leonard


"There's a tenderness and affection in his Beethoven concerto, and an excitement and enjoyment in his Korngold that few other violinists have matched and none have exceeded. Conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin elicits warm-hearted accompaniments from the Rotterdam Philharmonic, and Virgin provides the musicians with lushly colored and richly detailed digital sound".

The guardian

d. 20. okt. 2022



Erica Jeal

d. 20. okt. 2022

"In both works, her playing is constantly alive to the music's swirling undercurrents of electric energy ... Not a note, whether from Frang or the excellent players of the Kammerphilharmonie, is routine - the level of attention to detail is hugely rewarding".

The guardian

d. 19. sep. 2019



Erica Jeal

d. 19. sep. 2019

"Who needs another recording of the Beethoven and Sibelius violin concertos? It turns out we all do, and this is it. Violinist Christian Tetzlaff has recorded both these warhorses before, but these performances have the lightness and rightness of touch born of long experience. That levity finds an ideal grounding in the unapologetically modern-instrument sound Robin Ticciati draws from the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, weighty yet supple".

The observer

d. 24. nov. 2019



Fiona Maddocks

d. 24. nov. 2019

"The Greek violinist Leonidas Kavakos ... conducts as well as plays Beethoven's Violin Concerto ... no easy task for a work on this scale but the results are flexible and beautifully integrated. With his sweet, powerful tone and technical precision, Kavakos treats the performance as conversation rather than combat, decorating and accompanying as much as leading the musical argument ... Kavakos's own transcription of a piano cadenza left by Beethoven is full of hair-raising technical wizardry and requires a bizarre, unearthly exchange with the timpani. He makes the slow movement one long, tender song, the rondo finale lithe and witty".

MusicWeb international

2023 March



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2023 March

" Veronika Eberle gives a good performance of the Beethoven Violin Concerto but it is fatally undermined by completely unsuitable cadenzas. As a filler, we hear the surviving fragment of the first movement of a violin concerto that Beethoven worked on between 1790 and 1792 ... To be honest, the musical material is nowhere near as interesting as anything we hear in Beethoven's first two numbered piano concertos, let alone in the Violin Concerto, but it's an interesting little addendum to the disc".

MusicWeb international

2013 May



Stephen Greenbank

2013 May

"This is a truly eloquent performance in extremely good sound for its age. There is an excellent balance between the violinist and players, and you get the feeling that the soloist, conductor and orchestra are at one, in genuine sympathy with each other ... This is a wonderful addition to the Busch discography".

MusicWeb international

2017 November



Simon Thompson (musikanmelder)

2017 November

"Recording of the month: Ehnes is probably my favourite violinist working today, a poet of the instrument ... The Beethoven concerto is the star here, and Ehnes and Manze have given us an interpretation for the ages, one that stands proudly alongside the competition, and, in many cases, faces it down".

d. 25. okt. 2021



Raliza Nikolov

d. 25. okt. 2021

"CD der Woche: Über 300 Mal hat Frank Peter Zimmermann das Violinkonzert von Beethoven schon gespielt. Routine? Keine Spur. Die Interpretation hat nichts von ihrer Frische verloren. Die Berliner Philharmoniker und Dirigent Daniel Harding sind intensive Dialogpartner Zimmermanns, die musikalische Energie wogt so zwischen Sologeige und Orchester hin und her, dass es ein Vergnügen ist ... Was für die Beethoven-Interpretation gilt, gilt ebenso für die Aufnahmen von Berg und Bartók. Berg aber erfordert mehr als Solo und differenzierte Begleitung ... In jeder Sekunde geht es um alles. Der Anspruch der Beteiligten ist immens".

MusicWeb international

2007 October



Kevin Sutton

2007 October

"This is surely one of the most satisfying Beethoven recordings to hit the shelves in some time and is one to own regardless of the duplication it may cause in your library. These are truly masterful performances; performances that for once reveal something new and interesting about well-known works".

The guardian

d. 16. okt. 2009



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 16. okt. 2009

"But despite the musicality of the solo playing, and the attention to detail in Nézet-Séguin's accompaniments, there remains the feeling that all aspects of the work haven't been covered. With the addition of an extra portion of nutrient-free sweetener, the same approach works effectively for Korngold's concerto, too. Capuçon's perfect intonation and exquisite phrasing are exactly what this candyfloss work requires, even if it may not deserve it".

MusicWeb international

2022 November



Dominy Clements

2022 November

"Recommended: In short, this recording joins an already distinguished discography, and will be snapped up by Frang's fans ... You might think that the contrast between Beethoven and Stravinsky might be a bit too acute right next to each other, but the spiky energy and joie de vivre in this performance of that final Allegro seeds the up-front character of Stravinsky's opening bars perfectly ... Vilde Frang's playing on the 'Rode' Guarneri del Gesù from 1734 is superb in this recording, and everyone involved can have pride in a magnificent achievement".

Presto classical

d. 28. okt. 2019



Katherine Cooper

d. 28. okt. 2019

"Editor's choices - September 2019: The hell-for-leather finale of the Sibelius makes for an exhilarating white-knuckle ride, but buy this for the beautifully-paced, luminous Beethoven - I mean no disrespect to Christian Tetzlaff when I say that I was absolutely captivated even before he arrives on the scene, thanks to Ticciati's knack for balancing light and shade in the long introduction. This is the violinist's third recording of the work, and it shows in an interpretation that has all the irreverent good humour of a witty sparring-match with an old friend".


d. 27. nov. 2019



Thomas Michelsen

d. 27. nov. 2019

"Violinsolisten dirigerer selv det store symfoniorkester. Men det er en smidig, næsten fugleungespag tone, han spinder med sin soloviolin. Med en tilbageholdenhed, det virker introvert, bliver kontrasten mellem solist og kollektiv dermed stor på Leonidas Kavakos' nye indspilning af Beethovens violinkoncert med Det Bayerske Radiosymfoniorkester, hvis bløde, store, brede og gammeldags orkesterklang er af en helt anden verden ... Kavakos kan nærmest gå i stå over en lille krummelure i Beethovens noder. Det har sin egen meditative skønhed, at han gør det, og hans violinspil er ikke mindre end magisk i sin skønhed. Men det virker ekstremt og indelukket i forhold til orkestret. Dermed skuffer Kavakos på afgørende punkter på dette album".


d. 17. nov. 2009



Thomas Michelsen

d. 17. nov. 2009

"Hollandske Janine Jansen præsenterer musikken med en syngende let, sødmefuld perfekt tone ... Solisten forynger og fornyer feltet af traditionelt bredskuldrede fortolkninger, som vi har vænnet os til op igennem 1900-tallet. Bag hende er det gode tyske orkester fra Bremen ikke uinspireret af tidens opførelsespraktiske trend".


d. 17. nov. 2009



Thomas Michelsen

d. 17. nov. 2009

"Kopatjinskaja er ekstremt fræk. Der er riv i strygerne og knastørre paukeslag som velkomstdrink. Det går snapt af sted ... Men det bliver for meget med solistens søgte og virtuose raffinementer ... Det gør imidlertid Kopatjinskaja et hjerte mere attråværdig, at hun lader Beethovens violinkoncert ledsage af nogle usentimentale, informationstætte indspilninger af hans to romancer for violin og orkester".


d. 20. nov. 2007



Thomas Michelsen

d. 20. nov. 2007

"Navnene lover rigtig godt: Repin, Muti og Argerich. Men Beethovens violinkoncert kommer alligevel skuffende fra start ... Repin haler ind på konkurrenten Vengerov i de to følgende satser, og når vi kommer til violinsonaten, som russeren spiller med en tændt Martha Argerich, så sprudler det bare. Dette partnerskab åbner for fyrighed såvel som for følsomhed, og når Argerich er god som her, er hun stadig uovertruffen".

Berlingske tidende

d. 17. okt. 2007



Søren H. Schauser

d. 17. okt. 2007

"Er han vor tids største violinist? Hans seneste plade peger i den retning: Vadim Repin har skiftet selskab til Deutsche Grammophon og debuterer med den bedste indspilning af Beethovens violinkoncert i årevis ... Og med Wienerfilharmonikerne under ledelse af Riccardo Muti tikker akkompagnementet bare af sted – et hundrede procent loyalt mod hans ideer".


d. 8. okt. 2019



Thomas Michelsen

d. 8. okt. 2019

"Trods sine kun 36 år har den britisk-italienske dirigent Robin Ticciati en solid karriere bag sig ... siden forrige år har han hørt til i Berlin ... som dirigent for Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester ... Robin Ticciati arbejder også gerne sammen med den tyske violinist Christian Tetzlaff, som er hans solist i Beethovens og Sibelius' violinkoncerter ... Tetzlaff har sagt, at de to »deler hjerteslag«, og så kan man mene forskelligt om den frie - og ret langsomme - måde, de går til Beethovens koncert på. Men sammen på eventyr, det er de, og de kommer steder hen, man ikke er vant til at komme med denne koncert ... Sibelius' violinkoncert begynder (...) med den allersvageste sitren. Komponisten skitserer en flade med orkestret. Et landskab, som Tetzlaff svæver hen over ... Det er mesterligt gjort".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 4. nov. 2019



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 4. nov. 2019

"I det klassiske kernerepertoire har visse violinkoncerter deres helt selvfølgelige plads. To af dem er Beethovens uovertrufne mesterværk i Ddur, opus 61, komponeret i 1806, og Sibelius' violinkoncert i d-mol, opus 47, som den finske komponist skabte i 1905 ... det er meget nærliggende at koble dem sammen på én cd ... Det har plademærket Ondine gjort i en ny indspilning, hvor den britiske dirigent Robin Ticciati står i spidsen for Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, og hvor den tyske violinist Christian Tetzlaffer er solist ... Beethoven-koncerten kommer først, og vist er der meget at glæde sig over. Det tyske orkester spiller medrivende og engageret, men Tetzlaff forekommer mig en anelse urolig eller flaksende i sit spil (...) Det kommer naturligvis også til at in-fluere på orkesterspillet, der i passager kan forekomme mere forjaget end majestætisk ... Til gengæld er Sibeliuskoncerten stort set en nydelse fra først til sidst med masser af velklange".


d. 3. juni 2020



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 3. juni 2020

"Det klinger virkelig smukt og enkelt, det kun 10 år gamle symfoniorkester Arktisk Filharmoni ... 39-årige Christian Kluxen har været chef for orkestret siden 2019, og med på det nye Beethoven-album har han en af Nordens mest interessante violinister, Henning Kraggerud, som solist i komponistens violinkoncert ... Og det er et virkelig godt match ... Henning Kraggeruds soloviolin synger rent og intenst ud over orkestret".


d. 4. nov. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 4. nov. 2009

"Hun spiller Beethovens koncert med Paavo Järvi og Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen og i tilgift Benjamin Brittens violinkoncert varmt og ideelt spillet med Järvi og London Symphony Orchestra ... Samarbejdet fungerer godt med gensidig tilnærmelse".


d. 4. nov. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 4. nov. 2009

"Man kommer højere op i luftlagene og dybere ind i musikken med den unge Patricia Kopatchinskaja ... Det er Beethoven spillet med friskhed og naturlighed til en slank orkesterklang".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 24. okt. 2007



Mikael Garnæs

d. 24. okt. 2007

"Denne 36-årige kunstner har en varm, formfuldendt tone og spiller med en dejlig ren intonation og masser af fantasi ... Violinkoncerten er forførisk lækker, spillet med masser af sødme og elegant ynde af Wienerfilharmonikerne under ledelse af Riccardo Muti ... Det kan man diskutere, om det er, når det gælder det andet værk, den såkaldte 'Kreutzer'-sonate ... Til at akkompagnere Repin er valgt verdens vel nok mest legendariske pianist, den sky argentiner Martha Argerich. Hun er en hårdtslående dame, meget lidenskabelig, men Repin forsvinder næsten i hendes voldsomme kraft. Det er derfor så afgjort violinkoncerten, der giver udgivelsen værdi".


d. 27. nov. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 27. nov. 2007

"Den russiske mester Vadim Repin? Hans tone er forunderlig, tolkningen indadvendt og inderlig. Nogle vil måske efterlyse mere temperament. Sammen med Martha Argerich går han stærkere til den i Beethovens Kreutzer-sonate".


d. 14. dec. 2007



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 14. dec. 2007

"Kender De nogen, der ikke kender Beethovens violinkoncert, vil den nye indspilning med den eminente og stilrene virtuos Vadim Repin akkompagneret af en mildere Riccardo Muti end man er vant til, være enestående som åbenbaring ... Violinkoncerten op. 61 i D-Dur skaber strålende apollinsk glæde".


2020 janvier



Nicolas Derny

2020 janvier

Fono Forum

2019 Dezember



Carlos María Solare

2019 Dezember

"Dass er die hohen Anforderungen des Violinparts bravourös absolviert, war zu erwarten, aber Kavakos weiss auch eine Begleitfigur zu übernehmen und sie unaufdringlich und trotzdem interessant zu gestalten. Er fügt sich nahtlos in ein Ensemble ein, das ebenfalls in der höchsten Liga spielt".

BBC music magazine

2020 February



Oliver Condy

2020 February

"An old combination of works, but Kavakos's exquisite tone lends the Concerto a magical lustre; the Septet radiates warmth; and the five folk song variations are full of quirky charm".

BBC music magazine

2023 April



Misha Donat

2023 April

"A major point of interest in Veronika Eberle's performance of the Beethoven Violin Concerto is the new cadenzas written for her by the clarinettist and composer Jörg Widmann. Beethoven didn't leave any himself ... Eberle plays these new contributions with dazzling virtuosity, and her live performance of the Concerto itself with Simon Rattle and the LSO has just the right amount of warmth and expressive freedom".


2023 avril



Patrick Szersnovicz

2023 avril


2010, nr. 16



Jens Cornelius

2010, nr. 16

"Janine Jansen er flashy og intuitiv, og cd'en er et tydeligt eksempel på hendes særlige blanding af spontanitet og suveræn teknik. Der er dog også en anden hovedperson, nemlig dirigenten Paavo Järvi, og på trods af det gode udgangspunkt er det hans skyld, at Beethoven-koncerten ikke lykkes bedre, end den gør ... Koncerten bliver et showpiece ... [Britten:] De afsluttende minutter er gåsehudsfremkaldende. Janine Jansen vrider hver en tone ud af sin sjæl ... At dømmer efter denne ujævne cd står Beethoven sært nok svagest".

BBC music magazine

2009 December



Erik Levi

2009 December

"Vurdering: Chamber choice" - "Patricia Kopatchinskaja's warmly recorded account of the Beethoven Violin Concerto must be one of the most stimulating and provocative that has ever been committed to disc".

BBC music magazine

2008 July



Martin Cotton

2008 July

"I'm not so sure about his cadenzas in the Mozart, where he goes off into a reverberant acoustic in jazz style, accompanied by some of the players from the orchestra. I quite like the music, but it doesn't fit with Mozart's Classical style, which Kennedy appreciates and delivers in the rest of the Concerto with relish".

BBC music magazine

2023 Christmas


2023 Christmas

"The arrangement [of the Kreutzer Sonata] works quite well in the more excitable moments of the outer movements, particularly given the stunning virtuosity not only of Radulović himself, but also of the members of his regular ensemble, Double Sens ... The mastery of Radulović's playing is always a pleasure to listen to".

BBC music magazine

2017 Christmas



Misha Donat

2017 Christmas

"The warmth and sweetness of James Ehnes's tone stand him in very good stead, and his pianissimo playing conveys an admirable sense of mystery. He's greatly helped by having a sympathetic fellow-violinist as conductor: Andrew Manze keeps a tight grip on things, never allowing the music to meander, as it sometimes can. This is essentially a traditional performance ... but certainly none the worse for that".

BBC music magazine

2021 Christmas



Julian Haylock

2021 Christmas

"Where this set really comes into its own is with the 20th-century concertos, most especially the Berg, a work whose combination of Romantic cantabile, emotional thrust and tonally stretched world-weariness can feel semantically strained, yet sound utterly radiant here. Some mighst argue that the Berlin Phil's sophisticated blending tends to smooth over Bartók's earthier moments, yet when the contrasting soundworlds of the two concertos ... emerge with such luminescent intensity, with orchestra and soloist creating a palpable sense of devoted rapport, the results are hard to resist".

BBC music magazine

2008 October



Erik Levi

2008 October

"Vurdering: BBC music choice - Vurdering: Disc of the month" - "Erik Levi relishes both Lisa Batiashvili's natural way with Beethoven's Violin Concerto, and her imaginative programming of Tsintsadze's Miniatures".

BBC music magazine

2022 Christmas



Julian Haylock

2022 Christmas

"Concerto choice: Frang's exquisite tonal subtlety and enhanced range of dynamics allows her to weave in and out of Beethoven's carefully graded orchestral textures, with a profound sense of listening and responding to everything that is going on around her ... If anything, the Stravinsky is finer still ... This is arguably Frang's finest disc since her sensational Sibelius/Prokofiev debut".

Fono Forum

2023 Januar



Christoph Vratz

2023 Januar

"Vilde Frangs Geigenspiel kann sich von diesem Ansatz nicht wirklich lösen. So schön ihr Ton ist, so klar ihre Linien, so fein ihre hellen Glöckchentöne - auf hohem Level bleibt diese Aufnahme im Unverbindlichen [Beethoven]. Das zweite Werk gelingt dagegen überzeugender, kerniger, spielfreudiger: Strawinskys Violinkonzert".

BBC music magazine

2006 June



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2006 June

"I have mixed feelings about this release ... The orchestra is often strident, accents are ferocious ... the solo instrument attempting to tame the orchestra's Furies. I was flagging by the time it finished ... The other two movements are much better ... and the two slight but charming Romances ... receive affectionate readings".

Fono Forum

2006 Mai



Norbert Hornig

2006 Mai

"Tetzlaffs Intensität, sein subtiler Umgang mit Tempo, Dynamik und Farbe suchen ihresgleichen. Das Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich agiert unter Zinman hellwach ... Die Romanzen intoniert Tetzlaff empfindsam und delikat, fern jeder Sentimentalität. Referenzklasse!".

Fono Forum

2019 Dezember



Norbert Hornig

2019 Dezember

"Jetzt liegen seine [Tetzlaff] dritte Aufnahme des Beethoven-Konzertes und seine zweite von Sibelius vor. Notwendigkeit oder Luxus? ... Die Heftigkeit des Zugriffs, die Explosivität seines Spiels sind mitunter überbordend, emotional hoch gespannt, energetisch, immer hellwach ... Dass ein derart ausdrucksbesessener Geiger auch im Sibelius-Konzert Höchstspannung erzeugen und volles Risiko gehen würde, war zu erwarten. Tetzlaff legt alles hinein, mehr zollte es nicht sein".

BBC music magazine

2019 November



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2019 November

"A fresh approach to core repertoire pieces is always welcome, and I found this one genuinely thought-provoking and sometimes quite invigorating. But convincing overall? That's another matter ... For all the reservations above, this album really is worth hearing, perhaps even more than once; but if consistency of insight is important, then this probably isn't for you".

The gramophone

2020 January



Andrew Farach-Colton

2020 January

"Kavakos's playing is articulate, deeply expressive and tonally ravishing, even in the most exposed, high-lying passages. The BRSO are with him every step of the way, and that's particularly impressive given that the violinist takes an unusually supple approach to tempo ... [The Septet receives] a glorious account full of incident and humour, and played with burnished tone and rhythmic élan".

The gramophone

2023 April



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2023 April

"The soloist here is Veronika Eberle ... Her sound is pure gossamer, with lightning trills that tend to slowly accelerate, and a dynamic radius that takes us from a barely audible pianissimo to assertive attack. She's a resourceful player whose approach to the piece seems to fit the interpretative principles that Rattle himself favours, careering birdlike through the ether, purity and flexibility both much in evidence ... This ... is the only avaiable version of Op 61 where the principal reason for listening or purchasing lies not with the performance (which viewed overall is excellent) but with the cadenzas. They amount to a transformative experience and for that reason alone need to be heard".

BBC music magazine

2009 December



Erik Levi

2009 December

"Jansen herself is an extremely charismatic performer, delivering Kreisler's cadenza with superb control and poise; yeat the doesn't always engage me to the same degree as Batiashvili ... I was completey won over, though, by Jansen's Britten".

The gramophone

2010 January



Duncan Druce

2010 January

"Absorbing and satisfying performances of two sharply contrasting concertos".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 15. mar. 1999


d. 15. mar. 1999

High fidelity

2000 3


2000 3


d. 23. feb. 1999


d. 23. feb. 1999


d. 23 kunst & kultur. feb. 1999


d. 23 kunst & kultur. feb. 1999


d. 28. maj 1999


d. 28. maj 1999

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 8. okt. 2001


d. 8. okt. 2001

The gramophone

2008 July



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2008 July

"An interesting programme for the odd visit, and very bold, I'll certainly give Kennedy that. But it's too wilful to warrant anything like a general recommendation, except to Kennedys fans and the curious".

The gramophone

2024 January



Andrew Farach-Colton

2024 January

"Editor's choice: Nemanja Radulović takes complete control of every aspect of Beethoven's Violin Concerto ... Of course, conducting from the fiddle is a centuries-old tradition, but what Radulović accomplishes in this performance is remarkable as every element of the score is presented with near total interpretative unanimity ... I fervently hope Radulović records the Kreutzer Sonata in its original form, even if he'll need an extraordinary pianist to match what Double Sens give us here in terms of precision and musicality. For me, though, it's the VIolin Concerto that's the prize on this disc. It's a dazzling, profoundly personal interpretation, and I'm already completely obsessed with it".

International record review

2013 March



Robert Matthew-Walker

2013 March

"In normal circumstances, I would nominate this CD in the "Outstanding" category; I hesitate to do so as the recorded sound stems from actates and matrices between 64 and 70 years old ... it will be a disadvantage to some ears".


d. 17. aug. 2001


d. 17. aug. 2001


2007 02



Jens Cornelius

2007 02

The gramophone

2017 November



Andrew Farach-Colton

2017 November

"Editor's choice: The rich, warm sound of the RLPO strings here may come as a surprise, though it's a perfect complement to the soloist's sweet-toned, Apollonian approach ... Technically, Ehnes's playing is a marvel ... But, really, it's his - and Manze's - thoughtfulness and patience that make this recording so satisfying ... Ehnes and Manze have given us a Beethoven Concerto to stand among the very best".

The gramophone

2021 November



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2021 November

"Editor's choice: Zimmermann, Petrenko and the BPO are painstakingly attentive in the way they release the full tonal range of Berg's varegated canvas ... Rarely have I heard a performance that combines musical refinement with a sense of tragedy in the way that this does ... This surely has to be the version of the Berg you go to first, with the Beethoven warranting a recommendation that's virtually as strong ... So a firm thumbs up from me, and I expect one in return if you decide to invest. You won't regret it".

Fono Forum

2021 Dezember



Norbert Hornig

2021 Dezember

"Höchstes instrumentales und künstlerisches Niveau, Verlässlichkeit und Zeitlosigkeit - es gibt Begrifflichkeiten, die man für den Geiger Frank Peter Zimmermann wie für die Berliner Philharmoniker gleichermassen bemühen könnte ... Akkuratesse und künstlerische Seriosität findet man in den Aufnahmen mit Zimmermann immer, hier [in Beethoven] läuft er emotional zu Höchstform auf. Wunderbar getragen von der Tonschönheit seiner Stradivari ... gibt er sich dem Solopart völlig hin, souverän, abgeklärt, niemals routiniert ... Auch das Violinkonzert von Berg lotet Zimmermann tief und musikalisch plausibel aus ... Seine Interpretaion des zweiten Bartók-Konzertes erreicht Referenzniveau ... Alles in allem: Künstlerisch wertvoll!".

The gramophone

2008 Awards



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2008 Awards

"So, a fine performance if not absolutely the best, but I would suspect that the main draw on this CD will be the six orchestrated Miniatures by fellow Georgian Sulkhan Tsintsadze, whose tunefully exotic dance movements have an instant appeal and draw the very best from Batiashvili and the Georgian Chamber Orchestra ... the sum effect is a very satisfying CD".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 41, nr. 2 (2008)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 41, nr. 2 (2008)

"Vadim Repin har lavet en pragtindspilning af violinkoncerten i rolige tempi, hvad der giver værket et endnu mere ophøjet, olympisk præg. Hans tone er uforligneligt smuk, fraseringen perfekt, skønheden i højsædet ... Kreutzersonaten med Martha Argerich ved flyglet ... her er der mere liv, mere glød, og alt er så tilfredsstillende, at man vanskeligt kan ønske sig andet og mere".


2007 02



Jens Cornelius

2007 02

"Der er noget altmodisch ved Repins fortolkninger, som læner sig kraftigt op ad gamle konventioner, men gør det smukkere end noget, jeg kan komme i tanke om. Beethoven er Gud, og Vadim Repin er hans profet. Det er en ceremoniel fortolkning af Violinkoncerten, gennemført med ekstrem forfinelse af alle involverede".

The gramophone

2010 January



Harriet Smith

2010 January

"So a mixed affair, then, but worth a listen of Korngold is your main priority".

The gramophone

2022 November



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2022 November

"Once into the fray, Frang is her own master, a confident, highly imaginative player, flexible in the extreme ... Her handling of the Larghetto [in Beethoven] is a model of composure, her tone again extremely pure and untrammelled by externally applied emotion, ... while Pekka Kuusisto and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen are attentive to every small detail in the accompaniment. The finale truly dances ... What we have here is one of the freshest and most engaging accounts of the Beethoven around, a 'must-hear' ... The performance of Stravinsky's Concerto has plenty of thrust ... but lacks the dancing agility of Beethoven ... Still, I mustn't overstate my reservations. Vilde Frang is a fascinating and original player whose fund of interpretative ideas is always a pleasure to encounter, and this coupling is no exception".


2022 decembre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2022 decembre


2022, nr. 67



Andrew Mellor

2022, nr. 67

"Man kan aldrig gå helt galt i byen, når man lytter til Vilde Frang. Den norske violinists indspilninger er friske, meget velovervejede, teknisk veludførte og yderst kommunikative. Denne gang præsenterer hun Beethovens violinkoncert ... samt Stravinskijs pikante koncert, hvor han hylder 1700-tallets forbilleder. Frang spiller som kammermusiker, som om hun integreres med de orkestre, der står bag hende ... Violinkollegaen, finnen Pekka Kuusisto, der dirigerer, kan uden problemer sætte sig ind i orkester-solist-dynamikken, da han kender begge koncerter fra begge sider".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 9. okt. 2000


d. 9. okt. 2000


d. 28. aug. 2000


d. 28. aug. 2000


d. 16. mar. 1999


d. 16. mar. 1999


d. 28. maj 1999


d. 28. maj 1999

Berlingske tidende

d. 21. juni 2003


d. 21. juni 2003

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 36, nr. 8 (2003)


Årg. 36, nr. 8 (2003)

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 24. nov. 2003


d. 24. nov. 2003

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 26. jan. 2004


d. 26. jan. 2004

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 4. nov. 2002


d. 4. nov. 2002


d. 18. okt. 2002


d. 18. okt. 2002

High fidelity

2003 1


2003 1

The gramophone

2019 October



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2019 October

"Recording of the month - Editor's choice: Tetzlaff may at times excitedly rush his fences, but in collaboration with Robin Ticciati and his alert Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, he transforms aspects of what so many have treated as a sort of Holy Grail into a beer tankard ... If Beethoven's Concerto emerges as uncompromisingly provocative, Tetzlaff's Sibelius also errs on the side of danger ... In many respects, a real knock-out".

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