Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Ethiopia's 'developmental state' : political order and distributive crisis (engelsk)

Tom Lavers

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Politisk kommunikation i humanistisk perspektiv (dansk)

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Militært chefvirke : at skabe handlekraft i komplekse situationer (dansk)

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Tænketanke : nye aktører i dansk politik (dansk)

Jesper Dahl Kelstrup

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Politique culturelle au Bénin : héritage historique, parenthèse coloniale et au-delà (fransk)

Emery Patrick Effiboley

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Carbon colonialism : how rich countries export climate breakdown (engelsk)

Laurie Parsons

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Social media and Africa's public sector : perspectives on contemporary issues (engelsk)

Eric Kwame Adae

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Breaking the silence on NGOs in Africa (engelsk)

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Education in Ghana : history and politics (engelsk)

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Humour and politics in Africa : beyond resistance (engelsk)

Daniel Hammett

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