Music / rock

Angel of death

Reviews (2)


d. 13. June 2021



Henrik Kjellerup Bro

d. 13. June 2021

"Tilbage står man med fornemmelsen af, at man nok ville have været mere begejstret for denne udgivelse for 35 år siden. Men meget er sket siden den gang. Nu kan man dog glæde sig over, at Witch Cross trods alt formår at komme op med et ret godt album - selvom det ikke helt rammer plet".

Metal Addicts

d. 9. June 2021




d. 9. June 2021

"Witch Cross created a very intense mood here in "Angel of Death." It's impossible not to notice that all this intense and scorching music comes from a band that is the real deal as Witch Cross debut album "Fit for Fight" was released in 1984. The twin melodic guitars tell no lies. The combination the band does here of the power and melodic is a killer I must say. An album to slowly enjoy".

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