Music / rock

Blue film

Reviews (2)





Heather Phares


"Matthew Hemerlein's intense, intimate debut album as Lo-Fang, was inspired by a mixtape, and the free-flowing blend of sounds on these songs retains some of that feel. Encompassing R&B, synth pop, orchestral, and folk music -- sometimes within the same song -- Hemerlein loves and excels at striking juxtapositions. He makes ukulele and heavy synth bass sound not just natural but seductive on the album's title track, and peppers the set with string-laden interludes that reflect his classical training".

Gaffa [online]

d. 24. Feb. 2014



Pelle Sonne Lohmann

d. 24. Feb. 2014

"På debutalbummet under Lo-Fang-aliasset har Hermerlein selv håndteret samtlige instrumenter, hvilket selvsagt er imponerende i sig selv. Manden forener kølig elektronik med varme strygere og topper det typisk meget dramatiske og altid særdeles følsomme udtryk med sin mangefacetterede og flot kontrollerede vokal, men i længden bliver tristessen en anelse anonym og trættende, og Hemerleins talent synes indimellem mere lovende end forløst".

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