Music / hip hop



Summary: Ludaversal is a peek into the life of todays biggest artist. Glimpse of life style and culture that is Ludacris...the writer, the actor, the artist.

Reviews (3)

The libraries' assessment

d. 17. May 2015



Thomas Tiedje

d. 17. May 2015

<i>"I used to be out partying every damn night/Now sometimes I'd rather be with my kids",</i> rapper Ludacris på sit syvende album, for Atlanta-rapperen er efterhånden gået hen og er blevet midaldrende børnefamiliefar. Et eller andet sted lyder han også passé, som et ekko fra 00'erne, med de sædvanlige southern hip hop-bangers krydret med et par r&b-sjælere om sin afdøde far. Ikke meget nyt under solen her, og måske Ludacris i virkeligheden er mere interesseret i sin filmkarriere, hvor han har haft stor succes i det sidste par "Fast and furious"-film.

Rolling stone

d. 31. Mar. 2015



Jon Dolan

d. 31. Mar. 2015

"On his first album since 2010, he's still the same elastically flowing shout-rap dirty bird - gleefully wilding out on Southern party jams like "Get Lit" and "Beast Mode." At 37, Luda also indulges in some dad-rap introspect: "I used to be out partying every damn night/Now sometimes I'd rather be with my kids," he notes on "Grass Is Always Greener."".





David Jeffries


"The biggest complaint about Ludaversal is that the deluxe versions hold some of the album's true fire with the Rick Ross feature "Money" and the John Legend-driven "In My Life" both deserving better than the "bonus track" tag. Otherwise, this is a welcome, snarling, and satisfying return".