Music / rock

Pinkus abortion technician

Reviews (4)

The line of best fit

d. 10. Apr. 2018



Ben Lynch

d. 10. Apr. 2018

"Despite often being described as purveyors in the grunge and stoner metal genres, it's a mistake to think of The Melvins strictly on those terms ... New ground, in most ways, Pinkus Abortion Technician may not be then. However, what it most certainly does is it confirms The Melvins' ability to make their experimental brand of rock remain relevant ... It reflects their continued enthusiasm and well of ideas and, most importantly, their willingness to keep it weird".


d. 26. Apr. 2018



Mike Schiller

d. 26. Apr. 2018

"It's clear that Melvins weren't going for a classic here, exactly. Rather, they jammed with a friend, there was enough good material to cobble together an album, and here we are. It's not terrible, but Melvins have released too many albums, and have had too many high points in their storied career, for Pinkus Abortion Technician to rise above the level of interesting curiosity. They had fun, and the result is fine. Good for them".





Mark Deming


"The low end certainly rumbles with authority on this material, but for the most part, Pinkus Abortion Technician doesn't really blaze new stylistic trails for the Melvins despite the presence of two bassists. That said, the Melvins have been delivering consistently strong work in the 21st century, and Pinkus Abortion Technician shows they're still a powerful and imaginative band; they can still bring the heavy with muscle and élan, their more melodic moments (...) confirm they're more agile than they sometimes let on, and the downtuned cover of the Beatles' "I Want to Hold Your Hand" is funny and it works. Nostalgic Butthole Surfers fans will find plenty to like on Pinkus Abortion Technician, but they're hardly the only ones".


d. 10. June 2018



Morten Østergaard

d. 10. June 2018

"Selvom 'Pinkus Abortion Technician' ikke er eller bliver udslagsgivende i Melvins' diskografi, så er det umuligt at give denne plade mindre end tre stjerner. Der er simpelthen stadig for meget musikalitet, nysgerrighed og bidsk humor i dette band til at sætte dem i bås med andre to-stjernede udgivelser. Men dette vil heller aldrig blive en essentiel udgivelse fra slugepionererne".