Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Maṣāʼib-i zindigī-i ṣādiqānah (persisk)

Dan Ariely

  1. Bog

Nābikhradī'hā-yi pīshbīnī'paz̲īr (persisk)

Dan Ariely

  1. Bog

The (honest) truth about dishonesty : how we lie to everyone - especially ourselves (Engelsk)

Dan Ariely

  1. Bog

Predictably irrational : the hidden forces that shape our decisions (engelsk)

Dan Ariely

  1. Bog

The upside of irrationality : the unexpected benefits of defying logic at work and at home (engelsk)

Dan Ariely

  1. Bog

Hvad virksomheder misforstår i forhold til at motivere deres ansatte (dansk)

  1. Artikel
  2. E-materiale

Payoff : the hidden logic that shapes our motivations (engelsk)

Dan Ariely

  1. Bog

Amazing decisions : the illustrated guide to improving business deals and family meals (Engelsk)

  1. Bog

Forudsigelig mangel på fornuft (dansk)

  1. Artikel
  2. E-materiale

Payoff : the hidden logic that shapes our motivations (Engelsk)

Dan Ariely

  1. Bog