Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Behandling med tvang? : somatisk sygdom hos behandlingsafvisende varigt inhabile (dansk)

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Når algoritmer sagsbehandler : rettigheder og retssikkerhed i offentlige myndigheders brug af profileringsmodeller (dansk)

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Tech-giganterne, ytringsfriheden og privatlivet (dansk)

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Human rights protection for overworked women and the girl-child living in traditional rural Gambian society (engelsk)

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Research partnership. 1/2002. Human rights protection for overworked women and the girl-child living in traditional rural Gambian society

Institut for Menneskerettigheder

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Indicator systems - in the field of human rights and development (engelsk)

Erik André Andersen

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Re-envisioning gender justice in access and use of land through traditional institutions : a case for customary tenure of land ownership in Acholi sub-region, northern Uganda (engelsk)

Irene Anying

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Customary laws in Ethiopia : a need for better recognition? : a women's rights perspective (engelsk)

Ayalew Getachew Assefa

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"Justice be our shield and defender" : local justice mechanisms and fair trial rights in Kenya (engelsk)

Eva A. Maina Ayiera

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The arc of human rights priorities : a new model for managing business risk (engelsk)

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