Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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En retfærdiggjort synders erindringer og bekendelser : skrevet af ham selv : af redaktøren tilføjet en redegørelse for overleveringens kuriøse kendsgerninger samt andre vidnesbyrd (dansk)

James Hogg

  1. Bog
  2. E-materiale

Incident at a free festival

  1. Musik

The private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinner : written by himself with a detail of curious traditionary facts and other evidence by the editor (engelsk)

James Hogg

  1. Bog
  2. E-materiale

The private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinner written by himself : with a detail of curious traditionary facts and other evidence by the editor (Engelsk)

James Hogg

  1. Bog

Die ältesten Consuetudines der Kartauser (tysk)

James Hogg

  1. Bog

Psychology and the visual arts : Selected readings (Engelsk)

James Hogg

  1. Bog

The Brownie of Bodsbeck (engelsk)

James Hogg

  1. Bog

Mount Grace Charterhouse and late Medieval English spirituality (latin)

James Hogg

  1. Bog

La cartuja de Porta Coeli (Flere sprog)

James Hogg

  1. Bog

Ted Hughes and the drama : -Waltraud Mitgutsch: Zur Lyrik von Ted Hughes: Eine Interpretation nach Leitmotiven (Tysk)

James Hogg

  1. Bog