Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Trump (dansk)

Michael D'Antonio

  1. Bog
  2. Lydbog
  3. E-materiale

The truth about Trump (Engelsk)

Michael D'Antonio

  1. Bog

The Shadow President : The Truth About Mike Pence (engelsk)

Michael D'Antonio

  1. Lydbog
  2. E-materiale

Spend shift : How the post-crisis values revolution is changing the way we buy, sell and live (engelsk)

John Gerzema

  1. Bog

Never enough : Donald Trump and the pursuit of success (engelsk)

Michael D'Antonio

  1. Bog

Mosquito : the history of mans deadliest foe (Engelsk)

Andrew Spielman

  1. Bog

Mosquito : a natural history of our most persistent and deadly foe (Engelsk)

  1. Bog

Die Wahrheit über Donald Trump (tysk)

Michael D'Antonio

  1. Bog

Atomic harvest : Hanford and the lethal toll of America's nuclear arsenal (Engelsk)

Michael D'Antonio

  1. Bog