Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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"High Latitude Astronomers" expedition to East Greenland 1992 (engelsk)

Sverre Aarseth

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Grönland hemma och i Haag : en historisk, politisk och social studie (svensk)

Axel Ahlman

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Tiniteqilaq : en udstilling om livet i en bygd i Østgrønland (dansk)

Ole Akhøj

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"Heltene" i kald krig (norsk)

Bjarne Akre

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Glacial geology and palaeo-ice dynamics of two ice-sheet margins, Taymyr Peninsula, Siberia and Jameson Land, East Greenland (engelsk)

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Feedback report to the Danish Polar Center : regarding research project in East Greenland: Community viability and the uses of living marine resources in East Greenland (engelsk)

Jónas Gunnar Allansson

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Kommunalbestyrelsesreferater 1998-2007

Amassalik Kommuniat

  1. Blandede materialetyper

Østgrønlands Opdagelseshistorie og Ishavsfangsten samt Bemærkninger til den norske Delegations Indlæg (dansk)

G Amdrup

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Den norske Delegations Redegørelse og Amdrups Svar (dansk)

G Amdrup

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The former Eskimo settlements on the East Coast of Greenland between Scoresby Sund and the Angmagsalik District (engelsk)

G Amdrup

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