Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Hobbes and the two faces of ethics (engelsk)

Arash Abizadeh

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Introducing applied ethics (engelsk)

Brenda Almond

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Kant and applied ethics : the uses and limits of Kant's practical philosophy (engelsk)

Matthew C. Altman

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La neuroéthique : ce que les neurosciences font à nos conceptions morales (Fransk)

Bernard Baertschi

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Analyzing moral issues (engelsk)

Judith A. Boss (1942-)

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Justice and justification : reflective equilibrium in theory and practice (engelsk)

Norman Daniels (1942-)

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Responsible Artificial Intelligence : How to Develop and Use AI in a Responsible Way (engelsk)

Virginia Dignum

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Ethics in the first person : a guide to teaching and learning practical ethics (engelsk)

Deni Elliott

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Moral dilemmas in real life : current issues in applied ethics (engelsk)

Ovadia Ezra

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Applied ethics and social problems : moral questions of birth, society and death (engelsk)

Tony Fitzpatrick (1966-)

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