Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Gestalt : vejen til øget awareness (dansk)

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  2. E-materiale

Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice

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The power of awareness : and other essential works (engelsk)

Neville (1905-1972)

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Body aware : rediscover your mind-body connection, stop feeling stuck, and improve your mental health through simple movement practices (engelsk)

Erica Hornthal (1983-)

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Embodied inquiry : research methods (engelsk)

Jennifer Leigh (1976-)

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Working relationally in and across practices : a cultural-historical approach to collaboration (engelsk)

Anne Edwards (1946-)

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  2. E-materiale

The art and science of mindfulness : integrating mindfulness into psychology and the helping professions (engelsk)

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How enlightenment changes your brain : the new science of transformation (engelsk)

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Integral meditation : mindfulness as a way to grow up, wake up, and show up in your life (engelsk)

Ken Wilber

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Kapitallogik og bevidsthed : kritik af en afledningsstrategi (dansk)

Gitte Rindom

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