Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Marilynne Robinson's worldly gospel : a philosophical account of her Christian vision (engelsk)

Ryan S. Kemp

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Queering faith in fantasy literature : fantastic incarnations and the deconstruction of theology (engelsk)

Taylor Driggers

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Theology and horror : explorations of the dark religious imagination (engelsk)

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Ted Hughes and Christianity (engelsk)

David Troupes

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Dialogues on Beckett : whatever happened to God? (engelsk)

Antoni Libera

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The church as sacred space in Middle English literature and culture (engelsk)

Laura Varnam (1982-)

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The dilemma of faith in modern Japanese literature : metaphors of Christianity (engelsk)

Massimiliano Tomasi (1965-)

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A prairie girl's faith : the spiritual legacy of Laura Ingalls Wilder (engelsk)

Stephen W. Hines

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Theology and poetry in early Byzantium : the Kontakia of Romanos the Melodist (engelsk)

Sarah Gador-Whyte (1983-)

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Luís de Camões : the poet as scriptural exegete (Flere sprog)

John V. Fleming

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