Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The architecture of fundamental rights in the European Union (engelsk)

Šejla Imamović

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The origins of Woke : civil rights law, corporate America, and the triumph of identity politics (engelsk)

Richard Hanania

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Automated decision-making and effective remedies : the new dynamics in the protection of EU fundamental rights in the area of freedom, security and justice (engelsk)

Simona Demková

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Executive power : the prerogative, past, present and future (engelsk)

Robert Hazell

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The fifties : an underground history (engelsk)

James R. Gaines

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Why privacy matters (engelsk)

Neil Richards

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Research handbook on European Union citizenship law and policy : navigating challenges and crises (engelsk)

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Jämlik vård : normmedvetna perspektiv (svensk)

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Freedom's dominion : a saga of white resistance to federal power (engelsk)

Jefferson Cowie

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The intersectional environmentalist : how to dismantle systems of oppression to protect people + planet (engelsk)

Leah Thomas, (Environmentalist)

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