Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Pediatric psychology in clinical practice : empirically supportedinterventions (engelsk)

Kristin H. Kroll

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Transdiagnostic treatments for children and adolescents : principles and practice

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The handbook of child and adolescent clinical psychology : a contextual approach (engelsk)

Alan Carr

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The Oxford handbook of clinical child and adolescent psychology (Engelsk)

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  2. E-materiale

Unified protocols for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders in children and adolescents : therapist guide (Engelsk)

Jill Ehrenreich-May

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Evidence-based practice in child and adolescent mental health

Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

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  2. E-materiale

Clinical practice in pediatric psychology

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  2. E-materiale

Specialty competencies in clinical child and adolescent psychology (Engelsk)

A. J. Finch (1944-)

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Clinical and educational child psychology : an ecological-transactional approach to understanding child problems and interventions (engelsk)

Linda Wilmshurst

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Child and adolescent therapy : cognitive-behavioral procedues (Engelsk)

Philip C. Kendall

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