Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Racisme skal måles for at overvinde diskrimination (dansk)

Thomas Piketty

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Global development : the basics (engelsk)

Daniel Hammett

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Oil crises of the 1970s and the transformation of international order : economy, development, and aid in Asia and Africa (engelsk)

Shigeru Akita

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Fra bliktag til landsby-business (dansk)

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  2. E-materiale

Gassens forbandelse i Mozambique – en historie til advarsel om et land i frit fald (dansk)

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  2. E-materiale

Ethiopia's 'developmental state' : political order and distributive crisis (engelsk)

Tom Lavers

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  2. E-materiale

Understanding Chinese corporate governance : practical guidance for working with Chinese partners (engelsk)

Lyndsey Zhang

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China moves west : the evolving strategies of the Belt and Road Initiative (engelsk)

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How nations escape poverty : Vietnam, Poland, and the origins of prosperity (engelsk)

Rainer Zitelmann

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The wealth and poverty of African states : economic growth, living standards and taxation since the late nineteenth century (dansk)

Morten Jerven (1978-)

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