Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Saving beauty : a theological aesthetics of nature (engelsk)

Kathryn B. Alexander

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Inkludering : perspektiver i barnehagefaglige praksiser (norsk)

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Barnehagens relasjonelle verden : små barn som kompetente aktører i produktive forhandlinger (norsk)

Torgeir Alvestad

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Forestillede fællesskaber : refleksioner over nationalismens oprindelse og udbredelse (dansk)

Benedict Anderson

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The Oxford handbook of human development and culture : an interdisciplinary perspective (engelsk)

Lene Arnett Jensen

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Regulation as productive tool use : participatory observation in the control room of a district heating system (engelsk)

Erik Axel

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Citizen subject : foundations for philosophical anthropology (engelsk)

Étienne Balibar (1942-)

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Parks and Recreation System Planning : A new approach for creating sustainable, resilient communities (engelsk)

David Barth

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Literacy, lives and learning (engelsk)

David Barton (1949-)

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Flydende modernitet (dansk)

Zygmunt Bauman

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