Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The story of work : a new history of humankind (Engelsk)

Jan Lucassen

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Les salariés de l'Égypte romano-byzantine : essai d'histoire économique (fransk)

Christel Freu

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Proletarian China : a century of Chinese labour (engelsk)

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Anthro-vision : how anthropology can explain business and life (engelsk)

Gillian Tett

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A Political Biography of Arkadij Maslow, 1891-1941 : Dissident Against His Will (engelsk)

Mario Kessler

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The Palgrave Handbook of Management History (engelsk)

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Architecture and Labor (engelsk)

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Contracts and Pay : Work in London Construction 1660–1785 (engelsk)

Judy Z. Stephenson

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Work in the future : the automation revolution (engelsk)

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Cross-Border Labor Mobility : Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (engelsk)

Caf Dowlah

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