Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Masculinity in children's animal stories, 1888-1928 : a critical study of anthropomorphis tales by Wilde, Kipling, Potter, Grahame and Milne (engelsk)

Wynn William Yarbrough

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Telemachs Reise : Väter und Söhne in Ilias und Odyssee oder ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Männlichkeitsideologie in der homerischen Welt (tysk)

Georg Wöhrle

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Catullus and the poetics of Roman manhood (engelsk)

David Wray (1959-)

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  2. E-materiale

Masculine style : the American West and literary modernism (engelsk)

Daniel Worden

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Male mythologies : John Fowles and masculinity (engelsk)

Bruce Woodcock

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Shakespeare on masculinity (engelsk)

Robin Headlam Wells

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Boys in children's literature and popular culture : masculinity, abjection, and the fictional child (engelsk)

Annette Wannamaker

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Imagining soldiers and fathers in the mid-Victorian era : Charlotte Yonge's models of manliness (engelsk)

Susan Walton

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The male malady : fictions of impotence in the French romantic novel (engelsk)

Margaret Waller

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New fathers? : contemporary American stories of masculinity, domesticity and kinship (engelsk)

Helena Wahlström

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