Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The road to Jerusalem : Glubb Pasha, Palestine and the Jews (engelsk)

Benny Morris

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Masada : spændingsroman. Bind 1 (dansk)

Morten Hesseldahl

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With my own eyes : Israel and the occupied territories 1967-1973 (engelsk)

Felicia Langer

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Israel og araberne

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Palestinakonflikten, kirken og Bibelen (Flere sprog)

Norges kristelige studenterbevegelse

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Israel - mellan dröm och verklighet (svensk)

Beatrice Zeidler-Blomberg

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Narrating conflict in the Middle East : discourse, image and communications practices in Lebanon and Palestine (engelsk)

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Arab Armies of the Middle East Wars 1948-73 (Engelsk)

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Palæstina - fred i vor tid? (dansk)

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The birth of the Palestinian refugee problem revisited (engelsk)

Benny Morris

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