Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Who uses the public library : a survey of the patrons of the circulation desk of the New York Public Library (engelsk)

William Converse Haygood

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Benyttelsen af 15 danske bibliotekers læsesale i februar måned 1952

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Public use of the library and other sources of information (engelsk)

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Biblioteket och dess låntagare : en sociologisk undersökning vid Sundbybergs Stadsbibliotek (svensk)

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Books are being read : summary of a questionnaire on the use of the library at the University of California, Los Angeles (engelsk)

Norah E. Jones

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The use of books and libraries (engelsk)

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The second kind of knowledge : a special library project report ... on the use of library resources by university students (Engelsk)

Luella Snyder

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The prospective teacher's knowledge of library fundamentals : a study of the responses made by 4.170 college seniors to tests designed to measure familiarity with libraries (engelsk)

Ralph Perkins

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Læste bøger : voksnes læsning og biblioteksbenyttelse : foreløbig undersøgelsesrapport med materiale, nogle resultater samt overvejelser

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Patterns of adult information seeking mikroform

Edwin B. Parker

  1. Blandede materialetyper