Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Ancient society or researches in the lines of human progress from savagery, through barbarism to civilization (Engelsk)

Lewis H. Morgan

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Ingalik social culture (engelsk)

Cornelius Osgood

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The Nunamiut Eskimos, hunters of caribou (engelsk)

Nicholas J. Gubser

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The elementary structures of kinship (engelsk)

Claude Lévi-Strauss

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L'adoption chez les esquimaux Tununermiut (Pond Inlet, T. du N.-O.) (fransk)

Jérôme Rousseau

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Woman's evolution : from matriarchal clan to patriarchal family (engelsk)

Evelyn Reed

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Familiens, privatejendommens og statens oprindelse (dansk)

Friedrich Engels

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Inuit adoption (engelsk)

Lee Guemple

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Polareskimo-Verhalten : von den Verhaltensweisen eines altertümlichen Jägervolkes : eine Monographie zur Humanethologie (tysk)

Christian Adler

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Familiemønstre - i andre samfund (dansk)

Inge Damm

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