Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Religion in the Multi-Faith School : A Tool for Teachers

W. Owen Cole

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World Faiths in Education

W. Owen Cole

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Barn og religioner i vår flerkulturelle hverdag

Arnt Stabell-Kulø

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Hvem kan standse vinden? : vandringer i grænseland mellem Øst og Vest

Notto R. Thelle

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What should we teach? : christians and education in a pluralist world (Tysk)

Martin Palmer

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Multiculturalism in the United States : a comparative guide to acculturation and ethnicity (engelsk)

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To Make the World Safe for Diversity. Towards an Understanding of Multi-Cultural Societies

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Försvenskningen av Sverige : Det nationellas förvandlingar

Billy Ehn

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A different mirror : a history of multicultural America (engelsk)

Ronald Takaki

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Realisierung der Bildung in Europa : europäisches Bewusstsein trotz kultureller Identität?

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