Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Hovedtræk og udviklingslinier i Schellings filosofi (dansk)

Steen Brock

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The process of creating life : an essay on the art of building and the nature of the universe (engelsk)

Christopher Alexander

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A vision of a living world : an essay on the art of building and the nature of the universe (engelsk)

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Biologie und Philosophie bei C.F. Kielmeyer und F.W.J. Schelling (tysk)

Thomas Bach

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The languages of psyche : Mind and body in Enlightenment thought (engelsk)

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The luminous ground : an essay on the art of building and the nature of the universe (engelsk)

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Naturviden : en naturfilosofisk undersøgelse og kritik af vidensbegreber i naturvidenskab (dansk)

Sune Frølund

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The new aspects of time : its continuity and novelties : selected papers in the philosophy of science (engelsk)

Milic Capek

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Natur : pädagogisch-anthropologische Perspektiven (tysk)

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Om tilblivelse og tilintetgørelse : de generatione et corruptione (dansk)


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