Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Theories of counseling and psychotherapy : a case approach (engelsk)

Nancy L. Murdock

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Interpretative phenomenological analysis : theory, method and research (engelsk)

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Executive coaching : et kvalitativt studie om seks danske lederes oplevelse af at modtage executive coaching

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Naturen som en vigtig part i coaching : en undersøgelse af naturens betydning for menneskets trivsel

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The role of the coaching relationship in the coaching process (engelsk)

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Exploring coaching style preference through conversations about coaching and personality (engelsk)

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The importance of a working alliance between coach and coachee (engelsk)

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Mentoring. Rådgivning eller hjælp-til-selvhjælp?

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Relationship as one of the most important active ingredients in therapy and coaching psychology (engelsk)

Ole Michael Spaten

I: Coaching psykologi online, Årg. 9, nr. 1 (2020)
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Stephen Palmer

I: Coaching psykologi online, Årg. 9, nr. 1 (2020)
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