Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Fagdidaktik og dannelse - i et demokratisk perspektiv (Flere sprog)

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Undervisningens indhold (dansk)

Vibeke Boelt

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Samfundsfag (dansk)

Undervisningsministeriet. Uddannelsesstyrelsen

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Undervisningsdifferentiering i samfundsfag (dansk)

Birgitte Westerholm

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Teaching reading with the social studies standards : elementary units that integrate great books, social studies, and the common core standards (engelsk)

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Social studies for the next generation : purposes, practices, and implications of the college, career, and civic life (C3) : framework for social studies state standards (engelsk)

National Council for the Social Studies

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Democratic social education : social studies for social change (engelsk)

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Problem drinking (engelsk)

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Smoking trends (engelsk)

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The problem of globalisation (engelsk)

Lisa Firth

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