Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Åben skole hver eftermiddag (dansk)

  1. Artikel

Å undervise i sosial kompetanse (norsk)

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Å falle mellom to stoler : samarbeid til barnets beste i barnehage og skole (norsk bokmål)

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Ängstlichkeit, Angstbewältigung und Fähigkeiten einer "Theory of mind" im Vorschul- und Grundschulalter : Zusammenhänge zwischen motivationaler und kognitiver Entwicklung (tysk)

Katja Mackowiak

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Zum Religionsunterricht morgen III : Konzeptionen und Modelle zu künftiger Praxis in der Grundschule

Wolfgang G. Esser

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Youth, the "underclass" and social exclusion (engelsk)

Robert MacDonald

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Youth homelessness in Denmark : National report for FEANTSA 1996 (Engelsk)

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Young second generation immigrants in Denmark : an investigation of young people from Yugoslavia, Turkey and Pakistan who have resided in Denmark for at least 10 years (Engelsk)

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Young children and families in the information age : applications of technology in early childhood (engelsk)

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You know the fair rule : strategies for positive and effective behaviour management and discipline in schools (Engelsk)

Bill Rogers (1947-)

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