Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Personality, cognition, and social interaction (engelsk)

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Handbook of social cognition (engelsk)

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Forståelse hos, af og vedrørende børn (dansk)

Hans Vejleskov

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The essential Vygotsky (engelsk)

L. S. Vygotskij (1896-1934)

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Social cognition : from brains to culture (engelsk)

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The new leadership paradigm : social learning and cognition in organizations (engelsk)

Henry P. Sims

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Interactive minds : life-span perspectives on the social foundation of cognition (engelsk)

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Situated cognition : social, semiotic, and psychological perspectives (engelsk)

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Schriften. 5. Kontinuität und Bruch (tysk)

Klaus Holzkamp

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Schriften. 3. Wissenschaft als Handlung (tysk)

Klaus Holzkamp

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