Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The Negro American (engelsk)

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Fællesindhold for registrering af stofmisbrugere i behandling (dansk)


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  2. E-materiale

Culture and occupation : effectiveness for occupational therapy practice, education, and research (engelsk)

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The child's world : the comprehensive guide to assessing children in need (engelsk)

Jan Horwath

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Cardiovascular disease by country of birth : social inequalities in incidence, use of hospital services and medical treatment : PhD thesis (engelsk)

Nana Folmann Hempler

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Sociale risikofaktorer for funktionstab (dansk)

Charlotte Juul Nilsson

I: Gerontologi, Årg. 27, nr. 4 (2011)
  1. Artikel

Socio-economic inequality of immunization coverage in India (engelsk)

  1. Artikel

Artrose og alloplastikkirurgi har indflydelse på seksualliv, depression og socioøkonomiske forhold (dansk)

  1. Artikel
  2. E-materiale

Community psychology and the socio-economics of mental distress : international perspectives (engelsk)

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Well-being and cultures : perspectives from positive psychology (engelsk)

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