Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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A historical guide to Mark Twain (engelsk)

Shelley Fisher Fishkin

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A historical guide to Edgar Allan Poe (engelsk)

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A historical guide to Nathaniel Hawthorne (engelsk)

Larry J. Reynolds

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A historical guide to Ralph Ellison (engelsk)

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A historical guide to James Baldwin (Engelsk)

Douglas Field

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A historical guide to Henry James (engelsk)

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  2. E-materiale

A historical guide to Herman Melville (engelsk)

Giles B. Gunn

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  2. E-materiale

A historical guide to F. Scott Fitzgerald (engelsk)

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A historical guide to Henry David Thoreau (engelsk)

William E. Cain (1952-)

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A historical guide to Langston Hughes (engelsk)

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