Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Citizenship, education and social conflict (engelsk)

Hanan Alexander

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Policy discourses, gender, and education : constructing women's status (engelsk)

Elizabeth J. Allan (1964-)

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The Social Psychology of the Classroom (engelsk)

Elisha Babad

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English language teacher education in Chile : a cultural historical activity theory perspective (engelsk)

Malba Barahona

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Manufacturing citizenship : education and nationalism in Europe, South Asia and China (engelsk)

Véronique Bénéi

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Education, indigenous knowledges, and development in the global south : contesting knowledges for a sustainable future (engelsk)

Anders Breidlid (1947-)

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Education and pedagogy in cultural change (engelsk)

Wolfgang Brezinka (1928-)

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Quality teaching and the capability approach : evaluating the work and governance of women teachers in rural sub-Saharan Africa (engelsk)

Alison Buckler

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From testing to productive student learning : implementing formative assessment in Confucian-heritage settings (Engelsk)

David Carless

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Emerging teachers and globalisation (engelsk)

Gerry Czerniawski

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