Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Mystic, rebel, saint : a study of st. John of the Cross (engelsk)

José C. Nieto

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St. John of the Cross : His life and poetry (Engelsk)

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Geen enkel beld (Nederlandsk)

Silena Henriette Troelstra

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La mistica de Occidente : San Juan de la Cruz filósofo contemporáneo (spansk)

de Laiglesia A. Ruano

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Christian mysticism : transcending techniques : a theological reflection on the empirical testing of tbe teaching of St. John of the Cross (nederlandsk)

Marilyn May Mallory

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Johannes av Korset (Juan de la Cruz) : några anteckningar om hans liv och verk (svensk)

Gustaf Renwik

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Hermenéutica y mística : San Juan de la Cruz (spansk)

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Saint Jean de la Croix (1591-1991) (fransk)

Alphonse Vermeylen

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Noces de feu : Le symbolisme nuptial du Cántico espiritual de saint Jean de la Croix à la lumière du Canticum Canticorum (fransk)

Fernande Pepin

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Natten är mitt ljus (svensk)

Wilfrid Stinissen

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