Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Women's work: the first 20,000 years : women, cloth, and society in early times (engelsk)

Elizabeth Wayland Barber

  1. Bog

Women in prehistory (engelsk)

Margaret Ehrenberg

  1. Bog

Wisdom of the ancients : life lessons from our distant past (engelsk)

Neil Oliver

  1. Bog

Who were the first people (engelsk)

Phil Roxbee Cox

  1. Bog

West of the best : rock art and archaeological discoveries in the Doro !Navas region of the Northwest Namibia (engelsk)

Peter Breunig

I: Acta archaeologica, Vol. 89 (2018)
  1. Artikel

Weird walk - wanderings and wonderings through the British ritual year (engelsk)

Weird Walk

  1. Bog

Weapons in water : a European sacrificial rite in Italy (Flere sprog)

Jytte Lavrsen

I: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici, Vol. 11 (1982)
  1. Artikel

Vorgeschichtliche Denkmäler und Funde in Schleswig-Holstein : Richtlinien zu ihrer Bestimmung (tysk)

Hans Hingst

  1. Bog

Vore forfædres livssyn og levevis

H. Hansen Schmidt

I: Jydske tidende, 1974-05-14
  1. Artikel

Vore forfædres damer

Ellen Nielsen

I: Jyllands-posten, 1979-07-05
  1. Artikel