Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Laura Ingalls Wilder (engelsk)

Tanya Lee Stone

  1. Bog

Little house, long shadow : Laura Ingalls Wilder's impact on American culture (engelsk)

Anita Clair Fellman

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Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House Books in Danish Translation (engelsk)

Lea Sidsel Thume

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Skriftfest (dansk)

Århus Universitet. Institut for Litteraturhistorie

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Laura Ingalls Wilder : præriens fortæller (dansk)

Ginger Wadsworth

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  2. Lydbog
  3. E-materiale

The Little house cookbook : frontier foods from Laura Ingalls Wilder's classic stories (engelsk)

Barbara Muhs Walker

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Laura's album : a remembrance scrapbook of Laura Ingalls Wilder (engelsk)

William Anderson

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Becoming Laura Ingalls Wilder : the woman behind the legend (engelsk)

John E. Miller

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Becoming Laura Ingalls Wilder : the woman behind the legend (engelsk)

John E Miller (1945-)

  1. Bog

Constructing the Little house : gender, culture, and Laura Ingalls Wilder (Engelsk)

Ann Romines (1942-)

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