Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Arabiske storbyer i Det Osmanniske rige (dansk)

André Raymond

  1. Bog

Manzikert 1071 : the breaking of Byzantium (engelsk)

David Nicolle

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The Ottoman army 1914-1918 (engelsk)

David Nicolle

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European Cartographers and the Ottoman World, 1500-1750 : Maps from the Collection of O.J. Sopranos (engelsk)

Ian Manners

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Der Osmanische Staat 1300-1922 (Tysk)

Klaus Kreiser

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Manuscrisul fanariot : roman (rumænsk)

Doina Rus̨ti

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The Ottoman empire, 1700-1922 (engelsk)

Donald Quataert

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Saraj (serbisk)

Janet Wallach

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Palestine and the decline of the Ottoman Empire : modernization and the path to Palestinian statehood (engelsk)

Farid Al-Salim

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History of the Ottoman state, society & civilisation. Vol. 1 (engelsk)

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