Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Liberal utilitarianism : Social choice theory and J.S. Mill's philosophy (Engelsk)

Jonathan Riley

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Mill's progressive principles (Engelsk)

David Owen Brink

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Uden frihed ingen lykke (dansk)

Johann Hari

I: Information, 2006-03-28
  1. Artikel
  2. E-materiale

Rights, welfare, and Mill's moral theory (engelsk)

David Lyons

  1. Bog

Mill's progressive principles (engelsk)

David O. Brink (1958-)

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An introduction to Mill's utilitarian ethics (engelsk)

Henry R. West (1933-)

  1. Bog
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Scientologys utilitarisme set i lyset af John Stuart Mill (dansk)

Peter B. Andersen (f. 1956-04-19)

I: Religion, 2019, nr. 3
  1. Artikel

Utilitarianism (Engelsk)

J.S. Mill

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Mill's Utilitarianism : critical essays (engelsk)

David Lyons (1935-)

  1. Bog

Utilitarian logic and politics : James Mill's "Essay on government", Macaulay's critique and the ensuing debate (engelsk)

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